Proficiency at arms is a perishable skill. Several things separate Gunsite from the rest of the industry 1) world class instruction, 2) world class facilities, and 3) the ability to maintain proficiency with what you learned in class from the world class instructors at the world class facilities supervised by more world class instructors at the same world class facilities. Number 3 is called range days. The value of range days cannot be understated as range days allows you to practice what you learn in class to keep the skills from perishing. No other local range or academy in the world provides the ongoing training that you can get at Gunsite. If you live within an 8 hour drive of Paulden you should be making every range day you can manage. There is no excuse not to go. In the new world of domestic terrorism, street crimes, flash mobs, and too many other violent criminal acts to list those skills you keep from perishing via range day may be the difference that keeps you from perishing. Love those indoor and outdoor simulators!
Randy Raymond, Pistol Range 2-day, Gunsite, Paulden, AZ