Did you know that the Concealed Carry Pistol class is a new class this year? Did you know it took over a year of planning to put together the syllabus for this class? I didn't know this until I took the class on Sept. 17-21, 2018. The class is a combination of 250, 350, close quarters pistol, vehicle defense, night shooting, and so much more. I wanted to start carrying concealed but felt uneasy and unprepared to do so even though I had taken the 250 pistol class. This class was enormously helpful. We learned about different concealment methods with different types of firearms, clearing garments for firearm presentation, drawing while in a vehicle, drawing while clearing a building, and of course the proper mindset for handling different situations. All the drills that you encounter in the other pistol classes are done in this class from concealment. Our range master, Eric Ingersall, who created the class, and his fellow instructor, Dave Bahde, were fantastic. Both have extensive law enforcement experience which I think helped bring to life real world scenarios and how to possibly deal with them, or not, while carrying concealed. Their concern for safety, and for each student's progress, made for a very enjoyable, informative, and satisfying week. I had very high expectations for this class. I didn't think it was possible, but they exceeded my expectations.
Gary Kermott, Tactical Concealed Carry Pistol, September 17-21, 2018, Gunsite, Paulden, AZ