Direct Response To Active Shooter
Mass killing and active shooter events are a constant concern in today’s society. Whether in a school, a church, or a workplace, defense against an active killer cannot be left to the Police alone, as the time between when violence is initiated and… More details here

Advanced Carbine Applications (Formerly BRAVE – Carbine)
The carbine is an excellent weapon for accomplishing your primary defensive goal of evading or escaping violence when it is directed against you or your loved ones. This class presents the philosophies and concepts, including specific tactics,… More details here

BRAVE – Ballistic Response Against Violent Encounters
Your primary defensive goal is to avoid, evade, or escape violence, but sometimes you just aren’t able to and violence finds you. This class presents the philosophies and concepts, including specific tactics, techniques, and procedures, for dealing… More details here

Ballistic Response Against Violent Encounters 2
BRAVE 2 is the logical extension for those who have attended Gunsite’s Ballistic Response and Active Violent Encounters classes. BRAVE 2 will build on skills introduced in BRAVE and add skills related to team tactics, tactics in and around a… More details here

Church Defense
This course will deal with establishing training and selecting those who will protect and defend if necessary, their respective house of worship. Subjects may include but are not limited to: The history of church shootings Setting up physical… More details here

Tactical Concealed Carry Pistol
This class will combine various aspects of Gunsite pistol classes (250, 350, 499, CQP), with the added requisite of concealment. This class also includes blocks of instruction on vehicle defense, active shooter counter measures, people extractions… More details here

Defensive 3 Gun Class
Many of you have asked for a class that combines the use of handgun, carbine and shotgun into one 5-day course. Well, we listened and here it is! This unique opportunity will combine all 3 guns into one of the best weeks of training you will ever… More details here

Tactical Concealed Carry 3 Gun
This is a accelerated paced, multi-weapon, tactical defense course. Students will shoot handguns from concealment and transition back and forth from the deployment of both carbines and shotguns. Emphasis will be on home defense, vehicle defense… More details here
Tactical Concealed Carry – Pre 3 Gun
This training is designed to give those students who have not successfully graduated 223 Carbine class, or 260 Shotgun class, a basic introduction of safety protocols, weapons handling and manipulation of the AR-pattern carbine and their chosen… More details here
Advanced Tactical Pistol Problems – Simulators
Many students recognize the value of the live-fire indoor and outdoor simulators offered at Gunsite. There is no better experience than first-hand searching a house, building or outdoors with your pistol, making proper use of concealment and cover,… More details here
Team Tactics for Two – 3 Day
Do you train with, or have a plan with your partner, spouse, family member? When partners work cooperatively in a tactical situation, their capabilities are multiplied. A two-person team can secure far more space at once, can move and shoot… More details here