Direct Response To Active Shooter
Mass killing and active shooter events are a constant concern in today’s society. Whether in a school, a church, or a workplace, defense against an active killer cannot be left to the Police alone, as the time between when violence is initiated and… More details here

Church Defense
This course will deal with establishing training and selecting those who will protect and defend if necessary, their respective house of worship. Subjects may include but are not limited to: The history of church shootings Setting up physical… More details here

Ballistic Response Against Violent Encounters 2
BRAVE 2 is the logical extension for those who have attended Gunsite’s Ballistic Response and Active Violent Encounters classes. BRAVE 2 will build on skills introduced in BRAVE and add skills related to team tactics, tactics in and around a… More details here

BRAVE – Ballistic Response Against Violent Encounters
Your primary defensive goal is to avoid, evade, or escape violence, but sometimes you just aren’t able to and violence finds you. This class presents the philosophies and concepts, including specific tactics, techniques, and procedures, for dealing… More details here

Predator Defense Class
Pricing is for one client per day. For multiple client discounts and to schedule your private tutorial contact hartman@gunsite.com. All federal agencies are invited to this instructor development class (non-law-enforcement trainers), which will… More details here