260 Shotgun
260 is The Modern Technique as applied to the defensive shotgun. You will now be in command of one of the least-understood but most prolific weapon systems available. Effective out to and beyond 100 yards, the defensive shotgun’s flexibility and… More details here

Shotgun Advanced Tactical Problems
You have completed the Gunsite 260 Experience! Now you wish to attain the highest level of preparation. SATP will give you authoritative command of the shotgun. You will deliver maximum energy to the target in the minimum amount of time. Here we… More details here

Seasoned Citizen 260 Shotgun
260 is The Modern Technique as applied to the defensive shotgun. This course covers all points of Gunsite doctrine on marksmanship, gun handling and mindset without all the ups and down of a regular class. You will stay upright throughout as there… More details here

Shotgun Range Day
Skill at arms is a perishable skill. We have added the Shotgun Range Day to our schedule which gives “Gunsite Shotgun Alumni” who have taken a Gunsite 160 or 260 Shotgun class an opportunity to come out to the range and shoot with an instructor for… More details here

Shotgun Range 2-day
Skill at arms is a perishable skill. We have added Range Days to our schedule which gives graduates of the respective discipline an opportunity to come out to the range and shoot with an instructor for 16 hours. Basic level exercises are led by… More details here

Defensive 3 Gun Class
Many of you have asked for a class that combines the use of handgun, carbine and shotgun into one 5-day course. Well, we listened and here it is! This unique opportunity will combine all 3 guns into one of the best weeks of training you will ever… More details here