Posted by friend and Gunsite Staff Member and Robar Exec. Freddie Blish:
“One of the reasons given by people skeptical of attending Gunsite is that they think they will be forced to shoot only the Weaver position. Gunsite has always taught a fighting stance that consists of balance, stability, and mobility. Students are not forced to shoot a handgun with a bent support elbow.
Here are LtCol Jeff Cooper’s own words from a November 2005 Guns & Ammo Coopers Corner:”
“There is a great deal of foolish discussion bouncing around concerning the proper arm position for serious pistol work. Jack Weaver’s classic contribution consists in power control. If you crank the left elbow down and pull positive count-pressure, you dampen recoil very considerably. If you use mechanical means of reducing recoil, and if you lay great importance upon very rapid bursts of succeeding shots, this may matter, but in the overall picture, I do not believe it does”.
“It hardly matters whether you use the Weaver Stance or the Isosceles with both arms straight as long as you get hits and those hits should be delivered with a major-powered sidearm under controlled conditions. The argument is silly, and I wish it would go away”.
Well said Freddie!