Winter? Not in Arizona. In and out like a Lion
It has been exceptionally mild in northern Arizona this winter with more of the same in the forecast. The Gunsite students have enjoyed the weather, but the lack of moisture is disconcerting. We hope the wildfire season will not be harmful and we receive the monsoon rains in July. When you visit Arizona, please be fire conscious.
Gunsite let me ‘come off the bench” and teach the inaugural three (3) day Seasoned Citizen Pistol Class at Shooters World in The Villages north of Orlando Florida. A great group of folks from inexperienced shooters to Gunsite graduates attended. Vince Morgan and Joe Nassetta shared the yeoman’s load of work and all went well. Gunsite returns to Orlando Shooter’s World on Universal Drive in July for another 150 Pistol and already planning a Seasoned Citizen 150 at The Villages in February 2026.
Speaking of 2026, the planning of the Gunsite 50th Anniversary is well underway. The Gunsite Alumni Shoot (GAS Match) October 3, 2026 will be a “wingding.” You might consider getting your hotel reservations, VRBO, etc. soon as we anticipate a huge crowd.
This week at Gunsite was a 260 Shotgun and the Shotgun Advanced Tactical Problems (SATP). (More and more folks in Shotgun Class.). Next week is Carbine Range Day, and Day Zero preceding the 250 Pistol Class and Battle Rifle.
Did you know you can attend a Day Zero Carbine and Pistol Class as a stand-alone class? Interested in coming to Gunsite but timid about three (3) or five (5) days? Take the Day Zero and get an idea of the Gunsite experience in one (1) Day.
Do you have an AZ CCW? March 15 is our next CCW Class. Unlike many others in the area, it is a full day of education and training, including teaching a proper presentation of the pistol and about 100 rounds of quality fire. It also is a good introduction to Gunsite as a one (1) day course.
St. Patrick’s Day brings in the 499 Advanced Special Pistol Class followed by an Edged Weapon and 150 Pistol. (Do you work in an environment that prohibits firearms? An Edged Weapon with training may be an option for you.).
Do you have an AK variant? We continue to offer SME Jim Fuller for his AK Armorer Class including an AK Operator Class with Freddie Blish in late March alongside the Ballistic Response Against Violent Encounters (BRAVE). (If you have taken it before, the BRAVE has had significant updates/changes.)
March goes out like a Lion with another Pistol Day Zero, Day Zero Carbine, with both followed by 223 Carbine and the increasingly popular 250 Pistol Mounted Optics class.
Visit the Gunsite Pro Shop webpage ( to see the many items we offer, including firearms. Restrictions by social media providers prohibit us from showing the new firearms we offer, many made by the Gunsite Gunsmith.
Reading something from Friend, Gunsite Family Member and fellow trainer John Farnam I came upon a grand quote: “The instant we start thinking about the outcome, we lose focus on the process. Focus on the process, each step in the correct sequence, always in the present tense. The outcome will take care of itself.” Jamie Gray
A great deal of wisdom in those two (2) sentences.
Some philosophical wisdom arrived in my in-box shortly after the FL 150 Class. Let me share some excerpts from one of the students, a returning Gunsite Family Member and my friend.
“As I sat on my couch clueless – channel surfing – I settled on a war history documentary . . . I remember thinking to myself as I watched your commenting: I can do that??? Those exact words, in that exact sequence – expressed as a spontaneous utterance has always proven to be a catalyst for change during different episodes of my life . . . My personal take-away from that 250 Class came on the flight home, and after some serious reflection . . . I realized you’re allowed to fail in training to have the best chance of success in battle. ”
There was much more reflection about returning and attending the FL 150 last week and his self-improvement. Kind words indeed but the self-motivation is strong not just to me, but it should be to you as well. Are you considering coming to Gunsite or returning? Listen to my friend’s heartfelt words and heed them.
Or, simply put . . . “When are you coming to Gunsite?”
To read the newsletter in its entirety, please click the following link below:
March Newsletter 2025