For those of you who missed the Gunsite Alumni Shoot (GAS) last Saturday, you missed a grand event! Each GAS seems to get better and better. Let me insert a snip from an after-action report from one of the family:
“Stages Discussion
Normally I would discuss each stage here. No need this year. This GAS Match was about as perfect as I could envision. The shooting challenges on each stage were spot-on.
I could see the thought put into eliminating any competitive advantage by having extended magazines. The frequent mag changes negated bigger magazines and leveled the playing field. The penalties for misses negated the “miss fast enough to win” competition sprayers strategy.
I’ll note that Jay Fielder used a Glock 48 in an AIWB holster from concealment and still won. That’s skill not equipment.
Zero issues with targets needing staples or tape on the Cooper Cup. Everything went smooth and flawless on each and every stage best I could tell.
As I’ve written in AARs for the Larry Landers Memorial Shoot and past GAS matches, adding a memory component makes a simple stage difficult. I’ve often used Ted Bogsrud as a reference frame in many GAS and range day AARs as he is a good shooter. Ted complained about having to remember stuff to shoot stages. I thought to myself “mission accomplished” since the memory component makes a simple task more difficult.
Side note: Memory components likely reveal who has issues with focus and concentration and who does not. It’s a look into someone’s genetics. ADD and ADHD are not acquired by virus or germs. . . .
This match was perfect. Clone it.”
Enough said about that!
Thanks to all who attended and helped us with another safe match. Over 200 shooters at about 225 rounds down-range each. Please be sure to send a thank you email to all the sponsors. (See side bar for the information.)
The whirlwind of folks and activity at GAS is a wonderment. Sunday is a quick day of rest as all the staff are back at it with clean-up, put away and continued classes on Monday. The first GAS meeting for October 1, 2022 was Tuesday. Have you enrolled for GAS 2022 yet?
Let me discuss some boring but necessary administrative issues.
We strive to have our website be a cornucopia of information about classes, what to bring to classes, lodging, snippets of video training and more. Please take a few minutes and peruse the website for answers to your questions. We try our best to operate with a minimal administrative staff to help keep costs down. If a class does not say “Sold Out” on the website, it is still available. The lodging link under “About Us” is comprehensive and up-to-date on places we recommend. If you call with a question and we refer you to the website, we aren’t being rude, but rather directing you to good information.
Also, Rikki is excellent on sending valid and important information via email about your classes, how to make payments on-line, etc. Please take a few minutes to really read the information and follow the links. Keep an eye out in your Junk/Spam folders as our emails can go there as well with “Gun” in our name.
Finally let’s discuss credentials. Gunsite has always required credentialing of our clients. We try to be understanding about reluctance to send or update the required credential for Gunsite. However, this has been a policy since the beginning.
As Gunsite Founder Jeff Cooper wrote:
“In order to meet the Institute’s civil obligations to itself and to society at large, applicants for training must supply documentation of responsibility before they may be accepted as students. . . . We regret the inconvenience that our credentialing policy may cause our applicants, but we feel sure that they do not wish to share their training experience with person of unverifiable character.”
While it may have been a bit lax several years ago, we cannot allow that. As many of you know, attorneys and insurance companies rule our world.
When Rikki requests the updates of your credentials, consider that it comes directly from me.
Any questions please feel free to contact me about any of this.
Whew . . . Enough of the boring stuff.
There is still time and space in classes this Fall at Gunsite. The weather is grand – cool in the mornings and impossibly blue sky with marshmallow clouds in the afternoon.
When are you coming to Gunsite?