Beware the Ides of March!
At Gunsite, we don’t follow that old story. Instead, we are ramping up what may very well be another record student year. While the weather may fool us a few times, it often is 30’s in the morning and 60’s in the afternoon with impossibly blue skies and marshmallow clouds.
There is much to celebrate in March. For those of you that change your clocks on March 10, at Gunsite, we celebrate that we do not! Of course, all are Irish on March 17 for St. Patrick’s Day and the first day of Spring on March 19. The Monday following Palm Sunday on March 24th is National Medal of Honor Day (March 25th) celebrating those great military recipients. (Did you know that many of the Ranges at Gunsite are named in honor of Medal of Honor recipients?) March closes out with Good Friday and the Celebration of Easter on March 31.
Let me get some administrative business out of the way. Gunsite is looking for a part-time maintenance person. (“Young Ryan” has accepted a full-time position with a nearby municipality. We will miss him as he started at age 15 and has done a wonderful job.) This is a variety of work to keep the Gunsite Ranges functioning and much more. We are also in search of a “Heavy Housekeeping” person full-time. This position is indoors and outdoors from sweeping and mopping the office, Pro Shop, and classrooms to daily attention to the 26+ restrooms to trash in the Mess Deck and more. Salary is competitive and there are benefits. Please contact our Facilities Manager Gary Smith if you are interested. (
I took a few days in mid-February to attend the Mossberg Suppressed Safari Rifle Class. This was offered by Mossberg and Richard Mann for a Mossberg event in April taking some writers for Safari. (My Safari is tentatively scheduled for 2026 unless I can move it up!) The Mossberg Patriot Rifle and Silencer Central Suppressor worked well together. When I consulted my Training Log (You keep a training log don’t you? If not, you should.) it had two (2) years to the week since I had taken my last class. Shame on me. (“You work at Gunsite? You must shoot all the time!” We wish that were true.) From the comments on social media we received, we will be adding a Safari Prep Class in 2025. If you are planning on that once in a life-time hunt in Africa or for North American Game, it is worth the money, so you don’t miss that shot!
Speaking of the 2025 calendar, work has begun to get it ready. With any luck, we hope to have it posted online by early July. It isn’t a simple process to get the calendar with all the classes coordinated. Watch for mention of another new class or two as well.
Do you follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter? We are currently under scrutiny by the Facebook management. It is a challenge to follow their community standards, but we continue to appeal their removals and threats of suspension. Sigh . . .
We do not worry about the standards set by others in the monthly Gunsite Newsletter. Feel free to share with like-minded individuals and send a link for them to sign up for the free newsletter. (Scroll to the bottom of Newsletters on the Gunsite web page easy to enroll.) Let’s see what we can do to increase our numbers!
You will soon see a press release about a new partnership with Shooter’s World in Orlando Florida. (Just off Universal Drive.) We look forward to teaching our 3-day 150 Pistol Course there at their beautiful indoor range. We will be there in July. (I plan on teaching the inaugural class.) Watch our web page and social media for details. (Parents now have their version of a theme park as well as the kids!)
Time for me to head down-range for the 250 and Shotgun Advanced Tactical Problems Shoot Offs. Then of course, there requisite visit to the Sconce for the 250 Students. This Sconce visit is the icing on the cake of a Gunsite 250 Pistol Class.
Remember to get registered for the class(es) you wish in 2024. The Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round-Up may be sold out. We are in discussions about if we can increase the attendance without decreasing the product (And note that we have a Gunsite Revolver 150 Class preceding as a warm-up!)
And as Spring begins to arrive, time to get out and do some serious practice. The world continues to change and not always in a good way.
To read the newsletter in it’s entirety, visit: