Have not I commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. — Joshua 1:9
While this certainly is not a religious column, this verse spoke to me this morning considering all that is happening in our world. How prepared are you and your family for the possibility of problems?
March has arrived like a lion at Gunsite. Not weather-wise, but training wise. The first of many double 250 Pistol classes is Monday, along with a 350 and Night Vision Pistol Carbine. Next up is the Tactical Medicine class with Dr. Steve Temerlin and Cory Trapp (week-end course), the popular and best bargain at Gunsite two (2) day Pistol Range Day. (Gary Smith and crew always have some of the best training opportunities dreamed up.) As we finish a Seasoned Citizen 250 today, the Seasoned Citizen 350 is later this month alongside Walt Wilkinson and his Battle Rifle Class. We have our good friend with Mossberg back again for another media event featuring something special from them. (Well, we do sign non-disclosures you know.) Media events continue with Davidson’s and S&W, Lockdown and more. How about Edged Weapons with John Hutchinson? Again, another week-end course. BRAVE is rapidly becoming one of our most favorite courses. (Ballistic Response Against Violent Encounters). It covers range, street crimes, vehicle defense, home defense and more.)
March also has many private classes from one-on-one tutorials to some “company meetings.” Do you only have a few days for training> Contact Training Director Lew Gosnell (Lew@gunsite.com) and he can sort out the details for you, you and friends/family or company team building.
March also goes out like a lion. April does not slow down for us, nor does the rest of the year. If you plan on a class, please go to the website and get enrolled so you don’t miss out because the class filled.
Sadly, we have had to cancel our Tactical Tracking classes with our friend David Scott-Donelan. David is in his young 80’s and some health issues and years of hard military life have caught up with him. He is beginning to write some books but can no longer offer his tracking classes. We hope to see David visit Gunsite from time to time. Those of you waiting to take classes from some of our legendary instructors need to heed this and take the time to do so.
Wanting to learn to work on your Colt 1911 and Colt AR-15? We are the only location outside of military and law enforcement Colt offers their armorer’s course. Look to the calendar and make plans now.
Building plans here at the Ranch continue. We have had several folks approach us at SHOT and otherwise inquiring if Gunsite is for sale. Let me answer that very simply: NO. The Ravens Roost Lodge adjoining Gunsite is for sale. Gunsite is looking 25 years down the road, building a new Pro Shop, Office and Instructor’s Bunkhouse. We are making improvements to the SHOT Quad Dozier berms and enhanced the length of Son of Pit 360 degree range. Gunsite is here to stay!
As my friend Jim is known to say, “just rambling” this month. Time to get back to work.
“When are you coming to Gunsite?