Nashville Vehicle Defense
Vehicle Defense class is a three-day class designed to prepare students for the real-world dynamics of sudden, violent confrontations and attacks in and around vehicles. Most individuals operate in and around a vehicle daily, either commuting, shopping, or working. Skills practiced and presented in this class will prepare the student with the proper mindset to prevent or handle critical incidents in and around your vehicle. Students will need to be proficient in weapons handling and safety.
NOTE: You can carry concealed after being evaluated for safety on day one, bring OWB along with any concealed holsters to class.
*Important Note: 250 Defensive Pistol (w/ grade of "Marksman" or higher)
I attended the SC 350 course at Guniste this last week. The safety precautions that were taken for the Covid problem were adequate. The public places were all cleaned on a regular basis and were very clean. The school was an outstanding class with...
This class is not scheduled again this year or
has been completely sold out.
Be sure to get your copy of the class schedule for next year and your application in early.