Ladies 150 Basic Pistol
This Ladies Pistol class is the Modern Technique of the Pistol, for those ladies who want to learn to be safe and to begin acquiring firearms skills prior to letting the guys know just how good they really are. These all ladies classes are taught by world class Rangemasters. This three-day class is the introduction to the Modern Technique of the Pistol.
Ladies Pistol will provide women with the skills to manage their equipment safely and begin the learning process to protect themselves and their loved ones. You will acquire essential self-defense skills with a handgun in a safe and supportive environment. You will be introduced to the proper mindset with special attention and the opportunity to practice your skills in a variety of situations.
Upon completion of the “Ladies Only Pistol” class, you’ll be safe and able to recognize and avoid or deal with a real-life threat. Most women record this experience as “life changing” with newfound confidence and an identifiable loss of fear of firearms.
Immediately following Ladies Pistol 1 is Ladies Pistol 2, where you will experience more simulators and movement. Taking both classes together is equivalent to a 250 Pistol Class.
I wanted to thank you and all of the Gunsite Staff for such a positive experience during the Ladies 150 class last week. Jerry & Matt were wonderful and I can't praise them enough. It takes a certain type of personality to work with a bunch of...