Our Year is once again coming to an end. This is a time to catch our collective breath, restock our ammo, reflect on our experiences of the past year, honor those who are no longer with us and enjoy those who are.
We end many of our newsletters “Take a youngster out to shoot.” On Friday December 28th we took 12 Young Republicans from our local high school, (ages ranging from 14-17) out to shoot. Accompanying the kids were their math teacher and several of their parents. With the help of another teacher from the local middle school and graduate of multiple Gunsite courses, Rangemaster Charlie McNeese taught these young men and women the respect for firearms and how to use them responsibly and safely. With Glock 17’s in their holsters they worked on the square range through to the presentation. Prior to going down range Charlie gave them the Gunsite Safety lecture and the mindset lecture. Look for pictures to follow. There is nothing more satisfying than teaching a youngster to shoot.
2013 is shaping up to be a stellar year at Gunsite. Training applications are pouring in and our spring classes are filling rapidly. The first class of 2013, our overwhelmingly popular 250 Defensive Pistol Course January 21-25 is almost full and the March 350 class is full and we are taking names for the waiting list.
Our first Range Day of the year will be January 12. Bring out your Christmas firearm gifts and put them to their test. This event is eight hours on the square range with our CCW instructors. Call the Training Coordinator to reserve a space.
At the end of each course we ask our clients to fill out a critique letting us know where we are doing well and where we can improve. These critiques are read by the full time staff as well as the instructors and we take them very seriously.
One of the changes resulting from client input for 2013 will be a restructure of our Shotgun courses. The 260 Defensive Shotgun course will change from a 5 day course to a 3 day format. Our Shotgun Advanced Tactical Problems course will change from a 3 day course to a 2 day format. These courses will be run back to back this year so that you can take only the 260 class or stay for 2 more days and take the SATP.
We also add many courses during the year to meet the demand of our clients. A ‘150’ 3 day Defensive Pistol Course is now on the schedule Friday-Sunday, March 1-3. This class is perfect for people who want to learn to safely and effectively use a handgun but cannot take a full week off work. It is also an excellent refresher for anyone who has already taken a defensive pistol class and wants to practice their skills.
Close Quarter Pistol has been added for the week of June 17-21. We have had a large number of clients call and ask to have this class put on the schedule. It is limited to 16 students so don’t wait; this class will fill up fast.
Following the CQP will be an Edged Weapons course on June 22-23. This class ties in very well and continues your Close Quarters training for the real world with an emphasis on the most readily available self defense tool in the world, an Edged Weapon!
Adding on to our highly successful and popular Team Tactics for Two course this year will be our first Advanced TT42. Many of our TT42 graduates have asked for the next level and we are very excited to offer this course in November.
Many more classes are sure to be added following the Safari Club International Conference in February. This event is our opportunity to put Hunter Prep and additional Rifle classes on our course offerings.
Be sure to check the website often for updates. We appreciate all of you who have been calling and emailing us with your course requests. We are listening and adding new classes to meet demand all the time. Keep checking our website and reading the newsletter. Like us on Facebook to keep up on what’s happening at Gunsite. Our Facebook page boasts shoot-off pictures every Friday and gives you a chance to see inside our simulators.
Don’t forget we can also set up special or private classes for your group. These courses are tailored to meet your dates/needs.
What better New Year’s resolution than obtaining the peace of mind that comes from training to protect yourself and your loved ones. We live in a world this January 2013 where being armed is necessary. What better way to hone your skills than taking your vacation at Gunsite.
We wish you all a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year!
Buz Mills and the Gunsite Staff
PS: Remember you have until January 2nd to get your applications in for your 2013 class at 2012 pricing.