Vets 250 Pistol Class
((This class is now Sold Out… fill out the Class Application if you would like to be put on the waitlist))
Gunsite is proud to once again offer a free Veteran’s 250 Pistol to veterans of the current wars (1998 – Present), who have deployed overseas. As our owner is a USMC Veteran and many of our staff are veterans, we have great appreciation for veterans of all wars. However, our budget can only allow this opportunity for those who have served overseas of the recent wars.
This class is “The Gunsite Experience” and was first presented in October 1976 by Colonel Jeff Cooper. Regardless of your age, gender or experience, completing the 250 Class will change your life! You will be well grounded in the ‘Modern Technique of the Pistol’, including marksmanship, gun handling and mindset.
The 250 includes five solid days of range work, lectures, low light/night shooting with flashlight techniques and intensive indoor and outdoor live fire simulators. Red dot sights are welcome. Completion of the 250 course is a prerequisite for many other courses as this is where our core doctrinal principles are ingrained.
Veterans may enroll for one (1) of the two (2) courses. If you have completed one (1) Vets class in a previous year, you may now apply for the other course.
*Important Note: Veteran of the current global war on Terrorism/must provide DD214
*Important Note: Veteran of the current global war on terrorism/must provide DD214
Did you know that the Concealed Carry Pistol class is a new class this year? Did you know it took over a year of planning to put together the syllabus for this class? I didn't know this until I took the class on Sept. 17-21, 2018. The class is a...