Tactical Medicine – 3 Days
Firearms training and proficiency are important, but equally as important and more likely to be used is Emergency Medical Training. This three day class has two classroom days and a third day on the range and indoor simulators. Classroom instruction combines teaching the concepts of Department of Defense Tactical Combat Casualty Care with medical tactics and scenarios useful for citizens and medical providers. Hands on training with tourniquets and advanced wound bandages and splints is mixed with various tactical and triage situations. Treatment of various injuries including airway injuries, gunshot wounds, fractures, chest injuries, and massive bleeding is covered. The third day covers practical demonstration of the previous techniques in tactical situations using AirSoft and Simunitions. The day ends with two mass casualty active shooter scenarios with moulaged actors.
The class is taught by an Emergency Medicine physician with decades of trauma experience including 6 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, and a Chief of Police with both civilian and military experience.
Attended my tenth class at Gunsite this weekend, a 3-day version of the (2-day) Tactical Medicine class I took last year. It was not only astounding, it was outstanding. The course is three days of training: two in the classroom, and the final day in...