Seasoned Citizen Close Quarters Pistol
Close Quarter Pistol is designed to prepare students for the real world dynamics of sudden, violent confrontation and attacks.
What will you do if suddenly and violently attacked? Will you have the time and opportunity to present your firearm? Do you have the skill and ability to retain your firearm when your attacker is within arm’s reach? Can you shoot effectively while delivering practical and effective self defense techniques?
CQP blends empty hand self defense, mindset, tactics and extreme close quarter pistol techniques into a proven system. Developed and taught by Gunsite instructors who have several decades of combined SWAT and martial arts experience, along with the real world application of the techniques taught in this course.
You will learn simple, effective self defense techniques that will stop a sudden, violent attack and give you the time and opportunity to access your firearm. Emphasis will be on engaging threats at very close distances with the real world speed and accuracy necessary for you to survive.
Focus will be on drawing from concealment. The use of IWB or other concealment type holsters with shirt or vest for concealment is highly recommended.
One of the most practical courses ever developed, CQP will teach you the skills and develop the confidence it takes to be truly prepared for today’s often violent and unpredictable world.
*Important Note: 150 Pistol or higher
This review is for fathers and mothers. Years ago, I took the 250 Defensive Pistol class. It was an unforgettable, incredible learning and personal experience. I have gone back to Gunsite many times since that first class for various classes and...