350 Intermediate Revolver
Revolvers are an ever popular platform that has been around since Samuel Colt submitted a British patent for his revolver in 1835. While the revolver has been eclipsed over the last several decades by the self-loading pistol, it remains a formidable sturdy, and reliable weapon. The revolver has its own manual of arms, and practice is required to maintain one’s proficiency. You will learn to master this weapon in this revolver-specific 250 Defensive Pistol class. Once you have attained your best level of training, you need not feel “under-gunned” when carrying a revolver for self-defense.
The 350 Revolver Class focuses on movement. You will not be standing still on the line as everything will be done with different types of movement. Getting off the line of attack, shoot then move, move then shoot, continuous movement and moving targets highlight the week.
Concealed carry is optional for much of the class to make the training more realistic to your everyday life. New flashlight techniques are introduced as your night shoot is done in the simulators. You will learn to draw and shoot with your support hand. Dozier drills are shot from a seated position and the El Presidente drill is done tactically.
You will also be introduced to force on force training done with Simunitions. The added realism of dealing with live people who react and respond to you is the most beneficial training you can have. It’s as close to real as it gets.
*Important Note: 250 Defensive Revolver (w/grade of “Marksman” or higher)
I attended the SC 350 course at Guniste this last week. The safety precautions that were taken for the Covid problem were adequate. The public places were all cleaned on a regular basis and were very clean. The school was an outstanding class with...
This class is not scheduled again this year or
has been completely sold out.
Be sure to get your copy of the class schedule for next year and your application in early.