This will pick up where the Ladies' 150 left off. Shooting will be done from concealed carry both on and off the body. Demonstrations of various carry methods will be explained and utilized. A night shoot will be conducted. Alternative defensive weapons such as chemical agents will be discussed. There will be additional simulators, both indoor and out. This class encourages ladies to be in charge of their environment and refuse to be a victim! Completion of both Ladies classes back to back with a grade of Marksman or better in both is equivalent to a 250 … [Read more...]
499 Advanced Pistol Class
499 is the second of the post graduate pistol courses, continuing “The Gunsite Experience”. Advanced Defensive Pistol clients are already very good shooters. At this advanced skill level, even very minor improvements in your technique will lead to major increases in outcomes. In 499, you’ll be expected to perform to the highest of standards. You will learn one handed manipulations and how to clear pistol malfunctions while physically impaired. You’ll learn how to improve your presentation speed and accuracy. Tactical problems will increase in complexity. In this advanced course, you’ll have … [Read more...]
350 Intermediate Pistol Class
Move! The 350 course focuses on movement. You will not be standing still on the line as everything will be done with different types of movement. Getting off the line of attack, shoot then move, move then shoot, continuous movement and moving targets highlight the week. Concealed carry is optional for much of the class to make the training more realistic to your everyday life. New flashlight techniques are introduced as your night shoot is done in the simulators. You will learn to draw and shoot with your support hand. Dozier drills are shot from a seated position and the El Presidente … [Read more...]
Youth 250 Pistol
Youth’s ages 12-16 can attend this course (no exceptions to the age range). This class will emphasize safe and responsible gun handling on the range and off. Students will learn the Modern Technique of the pistol in a safe, controlled and supportive environment. Our highly experienced instructors will provide a patient but firm learning experience on the square ranges and in the simulators. Calibers .22 thru .45 are acceptable for this course. Ammo packages are only available in 9mm, .40 and .45 only through our pro shop. Handguns need to function reliably and the youth must have the … [Read more...]
Seasoned Citizen 250 Pistol
The Gunsite experience for those of us who have been around and have the aches and pains to prove it. This course covers all points of Gunsite doctrine on marksmanship, gun handling and mindset without all the ups and downs of a regular class. You will stay upright throughout as there will be no kneeling or prone positions. The school drills will have a little extra time allotted to compensate for all the hard miles we’ve racked up over the years. This class does NOT qualify as a Prerequisite for other classes. However, it does qualify you for Seasoned Citizen 350 Pistol and Pistol … [Read more...]