More and more mounted optics are used on pistols, especially defensive pistols. As with the popular 250 Defensive Pistol class, this class is still "The Gunsite Experience" that was first presented in October 1976 by Colonel Jeff Cooper, but has evolved to include optics. The class will focus on learning the idiosyncrasies of the presentation, manipulations and defensive shooting with an optic equipped fighting handgun. Regardless of your age, gender or experience, completing the 250 class will change your life! You will be well grounded in the 'Modern Technique of the Pistol', including … [Read more...]
Nashville Instructor Development – Pistol Mounted Optics
Pistol Mounted Optics (PMO) aren’t the future; they are now and they are here and in the last decade technology has enhanced the reliability and durability of the Handgun mounted optic for duty and self-defense use. This instructor development course focuses on teaching the instructor how to teach optics within the Modern Technique. The course material takes legal and human factors into consideration while addressing what does and doesn’t change with the PMO. Teaching new students on the Pistol Mounted Optic presents unique problems for students learning to acquire the red dot with the … [Read more...]
Nashville Vehicle Defense
Vehicle Defense class is a three-day class designed to prepare students for the real-world dynamics of sudden, violent confrontations and attacks in and around vehicles. Most individuals operate in and around a vehicle daily, either commuting, shopping, or working. Skills practiced and presented in this class will prepare the student with the proper mindset to prevent or handle critical incidents in and around your vehicle. Students will need to be proficient in weapons handling and safety. NOTE: You can carry concealed after being evaluated for safety on day one, bring OWB along with any … [Read more...]
Nashville Team Tactics For Two
Do you train with, or have a plan with your partner, spouse, family member? When partners work cooperatively in a tactical situation, their capabilities are multiplied. A two-person team can secure far more space at once, can move and shoot cooperatively and solve problems with more security than a single person can alone. Two person tactics takes shooting, moving and COMMUNICATING to a new level. Our students learn safe gun-handling in a confined spaces, assessing and reacting to multiple threats, covering fire, continuity of fire, cooperative movement and ambush techniques. Skills learned … [Read more...]
Nashville Pocket Pistol
Many of us carry one either as a primary or secondary weapon. This 3 day course will put you and your favorite pocket pistol or revolver through extensive range drills and simulators. You will gain a thorough understanding of the strengths and limitations of these little handguns we are all so fond of. We will run you through range drills specially designed to teach marksmanship and weapons handling specific to your pocket pistol/revolver. We will also cover many of the carry and concealment methods that make the pocket pistol such a favorite. You will then get to put all your skills … [Read more...]