FLASH SALE (April 29 - May 1 class only): Ammo and Camping discounts will be applied on Registration Confirmation (1-2 business days) Carrying a firearm as a female provides you the protective capability to either exit or equalize against extreme physical violence. At close quarters you need to have the rare combination of live-fire skills and hand-to-hand skills. How can you go from threat recognition to first round downrange in the least amount of time? How can you develop the critical elements of shooting well as applied to your own personal defense? You will find the answers here … [Read more...]
Pistol Mounted Optics Instructor Course
Registration: Register on-line at www.sigsaueracademy.com, or contact the SIG SAUER Academy Training Coordinator via phone at 603-610-3411. Course Description: The Pistol Mounted Optic is not a new concept, though in the last decade technology has enhanced the reliability and durability of the Handgun mounted optic for duty and self-defense use. Teaching new students on the Pistol Mounted Optic presents unique problems for students learning to acquire the red dot with the dominant and non-dominant hand and while firing multiple shots. Objective based training techniques will be … [Read more...]
Pistol/Carbine Range 2 Day
Skill at arms is a perishable skill. We have added Range Days to our schedule which gives “Gunsite Pistol and Carbine Alumni” an opportunity to come out to the range and shoot with an instructor for 16 hours. Basic level exercises are led by Gunsite Rangemasters and coaches in a safe and controlled Gunsite class atmosphere. Ammunition is available in the Gunsite Pro Shop. Note: You must have completed a Gunsite pistol and carbine class to participate. Tuition is due in full before the class day. … [Read more...]
Defensive Lever Gun Handgun for Defense
There is a warm place in America’s heart for the “lever guns” of yesteryear, which found their zenith in the Winchesters and Marlins that won the west. Many thousands of these pieces go afield for deer season each fall. Like the pump-action shotgun, the lever-action rifle is sturdy and reliable. It may be had in a wide variety of calibers, and when a sturdy sling and perhaps a low-power optical sight is attached, the lever-action rifle becomes a formidable weapon system, especially in the upper ranges of calibers, such as the 45-70 Government cartridge, which is used today for protection … [Read more...]
250 Pistol Class with Optics
More and more mounted optics are in use on pistols, especially on defensive pistols. The focus is learning the idiosyncrasies of the presentation, manipulations, defensive shooting with an optic equipped fighting handgun. This class is “The Gunsite Experience” and was first presented in October 1976 by Colonel Jeff Cooper. Regardless of your age, gender or experience, completing the 250 class will change your life! You will be well grounded in the ‘Modern Technique of the Pistol’, including marksmanship, gun handling and mindset. Through our systematic methodology you will achieve … [Read more...]