Many of you have asked for a class that combines the use of handgun, carbine and shotgun into one 5-day course. Well, we listened and here it is! This unique opportunity will combine all 3 guns into one of the best weeks of training you will ever have! Whether you are new to Gunsite doctrine or you are a returning client looking for the perfect refresher course, the Defensive 3 gun class is for you. This course covers 2 days of handgun, 2 days of carbine and 1 full day of shotgun training packed into 5 incredible days. We will cover marksmanship, manipulations, carry methods, safety, … [Read more...]
556 Advanced Carbine Night
You must have completed 223 Defensive Carbine or Battle Rifle in order to attend this class. It’s a fact that most confrontations occur in low light or darkness. It is imperative that you develop the skills and tactics necessary to prevail in these conditions. The advance carbine class has been renowned by combat veterans and law enforcement officers from around the country. This class will mirror the 556 curriculum, except, class will start at 1300 hours going through 2300 hours. There will be five night shoots during the class. Students should be prepared for long hours and the … [Read more...]