During the week of May 16 through 20, we presented the second evolution of the Gunsite CIVILIAN COUNTER-TERROR/RESPONSE TO ACTIVE SHOOTER class. Eight students, all with previous Gunsite experience, attended the event. This evolution included a number of refinements decided on during the March CCTRAS class.
The class is intended to provide students with the information and skills necessary to manage a critical incident related to an active killer/mass attack event. In addition, the class provides information on international and domestic terror groups. The information regarding terror groups is included so students can cut through the hype of the twenty-four hour news cycle and develop plans and preparations based on reality.
The class began with a health and safety brief then off to the range for a comprehensive pistol skills spin-up. Once the class was on a level plain skills wise, course specific skill-sets were dialed in so mental impressions could be developed that would allow students to execute specific response plans. Progression flows from a classroom brief to dry runs to square range, live fire practice to force on force scenarios based on historical events.
Course specific skill sets included basic pistol movements/applications, alternate positions, use of cover, manipulation of doors, hasty/accelerated clearing tactics and target discrimination. Central to the ability to manage the active killer event, students practiced management of a crowded environment first from a static platform then in a more dynamic situation involving Gunsite’s ballistic robot.
Two very important skills often overlooked in tactical training are the ability to maintain the life of an injured person and the necessity to de-conflict and affect a link up with responding police. Considerable time is spent on both topics in the Gunsite CCTRAS class. Simulated medical problems are presented throughout the course and each tactical problem ends with a 9-1-1 call. Repeated practice insures the actions taken by the students are thoughtful and deliberate on all levels of response.
The CIVILIAN COUNTER-TERROR/RESPONSE TO ACTIVE SHOOTER class is an example of TACTICAL vs TACTICS based class. A TACTICS class develops a series of skill sets but may or may not link those skills together in a manner that develops response plans for specific events. A TACTICAL class takes the individual skills and links them together to develop and practice thoughtful, deliberate response plans for specific events such as home defense, vehicle defense, response to street crimes and mass killings. Gunsite continues to respond to the needs of our students by developing and presenting classes that deal with realistic issues faced by our clients in the real world.
Take a look at the Gunsite schedule for the next HOME DEFENSE and ACTIVE SHOOTER classes coming in October 2016 following the annual GAS match. We hope to see you there.