The Gunsite Academy 250 Defensive Pistol Course is known as "The Gunsite Experience". First presented in 1976 by Colonel Jeff Cooper, 250 graduates will be well-grounded in the Modern Technique of the Pistol. The Crimson Trace Gunsite 250 Pistol course covers the complete 250 doctrine, while adding in the practical use of laser sights. One lucky winner (and guest of their choice) will receive airfare, course registration fees, and lodging. The course is scheduled for October 12-16, 2015. In addition, the lucky winner will participate in the course with Empty Cases' Richard Mann, who will … [Read more...]
July Newsletter
So many good sources come to mind to consider for an Independence Day Newsletter: Teddy Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, Ronald Reagan and more. But with pondering, it came to me that my best consideration of topic and source was here at Gunsite last week. As the United States celebrates our 239th birthday, honoring life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, what should we look to as a source of excitement and hope for the future? Does it come from the writings and wisdom of our founding fathers, from review of our Constitution, from reading Teddy Roosevelt? That answer was on the Gunsite … [Read more...]