The winners of the Gunsite Alumni Shoot are: Master Class Category - Jay Fielder 1st Place - Isaac Hanson 2nd Place - Hardy Spence 3rd Place - Logan Moody High Junior - Joey Tweedy High Senior - Ken Siverts High Lady - Amber Montenegro Cooper Cup - Randy Tweedy (again) The Median Shooter - Bill Hurdle Here is a link to the pictures taken at the match Match Results Combined Pictures from the Match … [Read more...]
Gunsite October ‘Post GAS’ Newsletter
POST GAS GUNSITE For those of you who missed the Gunsite Alumni Shoot (GAS) last Saturday, you missed a grand event! Each GAS seems to get better and better. Let me insert a snip from an after-action report from one of the family: “Stages Discussion Normally I would discuss each stage here. No need this year. This GAS Match was about as perfect as I could envision. The shooting challenges on each stage were spot-on. I could see the thought put into eliminating any competitive advantage by having extended magazines. The frequent mag changes negated bigger magazines and leveled … [Read more...]
Pistol Mounted Optics Part V
Pistol-mounted optics are battery-powered and man-made. As a result, they can fail. Not anywhere near as often as they once did, but they can. How do you deal with that if it happens? First, for the foreseeable future, set your pistol up with back-up sights. Whether you have them in the bottom of the glass or co-witnessed with the dot is a discussion for another Instructor’s Corner article. Just have a set of back-up sights. To practice transitioning to your iron sights, work either dry practice or shooting drills with the dot turned off. Here are three more ways you can continue to … [Read more...]
Memorial Day Issue of the Gunsite Newsletter
“The willingness of some to give their lives so that others might live,” President Ronald Reagan said, “never fails to evoke in us a sense of wonder and mystery. . . . let us pledge that their lives, their sacrifices, their valor shall be justified and remembered for as long as God gives life to this nation.” General Patton offered: “It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.” Gunsite offers our somber thanks and utmost respect to those who served and offered the supreme sacrifice so that we may continue to live in the greatest … [Read more...]
September Newsletter
"We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." ~Benjamin Franklin September has arrived in the high desert of the Gunsite Ranch. The classes are back to pre-pandemic numbers. Some classes have increased, possibly because of the pandemic and the on-going violence in some of the Republic. “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” — Isaiah 9:2 So many have now “seen the light” and recognize they are responsible for their own safety and security. The government … [Read more...]