Labor Day Gunsite staff labors on this traditional holiday, marking the end of summer. We do so as it allows the students to attend taking one less vacation day. The staff enjoy their Labor Day as a holiday of their choice (Well, not during GAS week!), many taking it during one of the hunting seasons. We welcomed about 70 students on campus today for 250 Pistol, 223 Carbine and Tactical Concealed Carry Pistol. Fall and Spring are our strongest months as the weather in the high desert is beautiful with cool mornings and warm days with impossibly blue skies and marshmallow clouds. (Along … [Read more...]
August Newsletter
THE DOG DAYS OF SUMMER! It is upon us, but we hope the majority of the heat has passed as we celebrate the Summer Monsoons. Coming from the Midwest, I’m still not acclimated to the pop-up thunderstorms as opposed to the large storm front moving through. The storms in the Southwest are far different than those of the Midwest. When I saw all the horizontal and dry lightning in the old Western movies, I thought it was special effects. Not so. The lightning is spectacular, yet dangerous for the threat of starting wildfires. Business at Gunsite continues to be like the wildfires. We appear … [Read more...]
July Newsletter
INDEPENDENCE DAY! “May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.” — Peter Marshall Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays. Celebrating our Republic’s Independence many years ago. Like Memorial Day, I also like to reflect on those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, so we are free to celebrate . . . “Find a moment, just a simple moment, to close your eyes and think of the men and women who protect the freedoms you enjoy. It’s a privilege, not a right.”- Matthew Lillard Gunsite is quiet the week of … [Read more...]
Spring is Near Gone and Summer is Upon Us! I recall my parents talking as I was growing up about how fast time goes and how it goes faster as we get a few more years under our belt. That certainly describes the last few months at the Gunsite Ranch. Night shoots are getting later and later as we near the Summer Solstice. We plan carefully as we do not shoot beyond 10:00 PM to be respectful neighbors. (Nor shoot prior to 7:00 AM.) As a neighbor of Gunsite, my wife Shari and I love “the sound of Liberty” on the various ranges. When the wind is right, we can even hear some of the range … [Read more...]
May Newsletter
May is Upon Us! Spring is well underway and Summer just around the corner. Nothing has slowed down at the Gunsite Ranch! Last week we had seven (7) classes underway here. Logistics becomes a crucial issue and staying on task and on the timeline is a challenge for the instructors. This week is Team Tactics for 2, Shotgun 260, Shotgun Advanced Tactical Problems and the Jeff Cooper 250 Pistol Class. This 250 is all 1911 pistols with leather gear. Our “seasoned” instructors (Those of us that learned from and worked for Jeff Cooper) take the lead and it is a grand time. Lindy Cooper Wisdom is … [Read more...]