INDEPENDENCE DAY! “May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.” — Peter Marshall Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays. Celebrating our Republic’s Independence many years ago. Like Memorial Day, I also like to reflect on those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, so we are free to celebrate . . . “Find a moment, just a simple moment, to close your eyes and think of the men and women who protect the freedoms you enjoy. It’s a privilege, not a right.”- Matthew Lillard Gunsite is quiet the week of … [Read more...]
Spring is Near Gone and Summer is Upon Us! I recall my parents talking as I was growing up about how fast time goes and how it goes faster as we get a few more years under our belt. That certainly describes the last few months at the Gunsite Ranch. Night shoots are getting later and later as we near the Summer Solstice. We plan carefully as we do not shoot beyond 10:00 PM to be respectful neighbors. (Nor shoot prior to 7:00 AM.) As a neighbor of Gunsite, my wife Shari and I love “the sound of Liberty” on the various ranges. When the wind is right, we can even hear some of the range … [Read more...]
May Newsletter
May is Upon Us! Spring is well underway and Summer just around the corner. Nothing has slowed down at the Gunsite Ranch! Last week we had seven (7) classes underway here. Logistics becomes a crucial issue and staying on task and on the timeline is a challenge for the instructors. This week is Team Tactics for 2, Shotgun 260, Shotgun Advanced Tactical Problems and the Jeff Cooper 250 Pistol Class. This 250 is all 1911 pistols with leather gear. Our “seasoned” instructors (Those of us that learned from and worked for Jeff Cooper) take the lead and it is a grand time. Lindy Cooper Wisdom is … [Read more...]
Gunsite April Newsletter
All Fools Day has passed and as a result, I’ll pass on the political jokes that come to mind. So much news on the March Madness, Final Four, and the April 8th Total Eclipse! So much time was spent at home and in workplaces in preparation of “The Big Dance”, Office Pools, Potluck Dinners, and more. And same for the eclipse, the thousands and thousands of tax dollars spent by communities in preparation for crowds to see the eclipse. How much time have you spent in preparation for a critical event in your life? How much monies have your local units of government allocated to your public … [Read more...]
Gunsite March Newsletter
Beware the Ides of March! At Gunsite, we don’t follow that old story. Instead, we are ramping up what may very well be another record student year. While the weather may fool us a few times, it often is 30’s in the morning and 60’s in the afternoon with impossibly blue skies and marshmallow clouds. There is much to celebrate in March. For those of you that change your clocks on March 10, at Gunsite, we celebrate that we do not! Of course, all are Irish on March 17 for St. Patrick’s Day and the first day of Spring on March 19. The Monday following Palm Sunday on March 24th is National … [Read more...]