The Rainy Season - August is well upon us at the Gunsite Ranch and it is unusually green. The rain has blessed us, and punished us, both this year. A few weeks ago during our Youth 250 Pistol class, we had a monsoon rain that turned us into an island for an hour or so. We also lost two (2) six foot 6’ culverts on the Donga. Think about how much water it takes to move those! Regardless, we soldiered on, the Youth were great and class was completed. Thanks to the parents for sharing their great Americans with us for the week. Thirteen kids was the largest Youth 250 Pistol Class we have … [Read more...]
July Newsletter
"It [Independence Day] ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more." -- John Adams Independence Day has come and gone for 2017. We hope the Gunsite Family celebrated with appropriate fanfare. The Monsoon rains had not yet arrived at Gunsite and most fireworks were cancelled here. The Veteran’s 250 Pistol Courses began this morning and there … [Read more...]
Team Gunsite at the King of 2 Miles Match
Team Gunsite finished 3rd out of 49 teams at the King of 2 Miles match at the NRA Whittington Center 27-29 June. With Walter Wilkinson shooting his Steyr HS-50 (50BMG) and Tessa Wyrick spotting it was a recipe for success. Tessa controlled the whole shooting session on Day two. She ran the numbers through the ballistic computer, got the come-ups, watched the wind and decided on what we would hold. She second guessed herself on the cold bore target and we missed that one, but from there on it was first round Hit City! We were the only team to get all first round hits on the scoring targets … [Read more...]
June Gunsite Newsletter
My agenda for this morning was to write the June Gunsite Newsletter and wax on eloquently about Memorial Day and how we need to remember the sacrifices of all our veterans these last 200+ years. Then discuss the many training opportunities we have across the country and the happenings at the Gunsite Ranch. However, another Terrorist incident in Europe is at the forefront of my thoughts. We could also throw in Mind Set training and again discuss the Principles of Personal Defense book (from last month’s column). Posting memes of the British Flag with kind words, offering thoughts and … [Read more...]
May Gunsite Newsletter
“When the flag flies” (As Col. Cooper would say), will you be ready? The old photo of a young SWAT Captain, after the successful capture of a murderer, is a grand example. A young woman was brutally beaten and left in a pond to drown. A day or so later, a tip was received as to where the miscreant was located. There was not time to get the “special teams” gathered. Rather, it was grab who you had and rely on your training and experience. We did not need to develop a plan, but modify a plan based upon those experiences and training. As a result, this murderer was captured with no injury … [Read more...]