May has come with blessed rains at Gunsite. We are in drought conditions and the .35” of rain we received yesterday was a welcome sight. Some of the folks in Seasoned Citizen Carbine, Concealed Carry Pistol and two (2) tutorials may not have appreciated it as much though! May is a grand month in the high desert, with cool mornings and warm afternoons sprinkled with the sound of freedom (Gunfire) across the many Gunsite ranges. Two (2) 250 Pistol classes begin next week as well as additional tutorials. We also have another 250 Pistol Course at the beautiful Colonial Shooting Academy … [Read more...]
April Newsletter
DID WE DROP OUR GUARD? March is not going out like a Lamb. With the murderous attacks by criminals of late, the liberals are on a full-scale attack of our unalienable rights. Regardless of legality, “We’ve got to do something” seems to be their mantra. Did we drop our guard after the Presidential Election thinking that all would be well? Did we (foolishly) trust those elected “Conservatives” in Congress to remember who voted them and the President into Office and their promises? Did we allow ourselves to go from Yellow or Orange to White? It is time to re-awaken the fighting … [Read more...]
March Newsletter
March is upon us and is coming in like a lion. No, the weather at Gunsite is grand, but the Republic is in an uproar. We have followed the various media outlets, conservative and liberal, mainstream and otherwise. We have followed the commentary on various social media. So much said with so little facts in much of it all. It is interesting to note that so many of the population follow what so many with little real-world life experiences have to say. What can a television or movie star or musician know of the life of those of us in “steerage.” They live in their gated communities … [Read more...]
February Newsletter
February means Ground Hogs Day, Fat Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Valentine’s Day, and Arizona Statehood Day. (Several of the Gunsite family here in the Prescott area head to Augie’s Restaurant on Fat Tuesday for a steaks, cigars and whiskey event on Fat Tuesday!) It also means much of the Republic is in the depth of the Winter season. (It is sunny and 73 here at the Gunsite Ranch with a 223 Class enjoying the sunshine as I write this.) With the weather foul in your area, that doesn’t mean your training stops. Rather, it is time for you to dry practice with your winter concealed carry. … [Read more...]
January Newsletter
January is the beginning of the doldrums of winter for many parts of the Republic, looking forward to grey skies, snow and cold weather. Not so at the Gunsite Ranch. At Gunsite, we know it is the beginning of the training year. The weather in the high desert is not as cold as Flagstaff (nor is it as warm as Phoenix!), but it is good training weather. We may get a bit of cold or some rain or snow, but the sun will be out the next day melting and drying and warming into the 40’s and 50’s. If you are in need of a “sun fix,” another good reason to come to Gunsite. SHOT Show is near … [Read more...]