Amos Phillips flipped on his right-turn signal and eased the brakes as he pulled his truck off Interstate 15 and onto the Exit 80 offramp at Fort Hall, Idaho. It was Sept. 2, 2018 — the day before Labor Day — and the 64-year-old trucker was “empty,” having hauled a load of railroad crossing parts from Missouri to a receiver 15 miles south of Fort Hall in Pocatello, Idaho. Multi-state drives like the one he had just completed were part of what Phillips enjoyed most about his job — seeing the country. Originally from Peoria, Illinois, he’d been to every state in the Lower 48, save for … [Read more...]
Truckers & Self-Defense
May Gunsite Newsletter
The Go Wash Your Hands Again Issue Greeting from the Gunsite Ranch. My typing fingers are near raw from all the hand sanitizer and soap and water we now call “normal.” If UV light (sunlight) kills the virus, we are executioners here at Gunsite. Spring was wet and cool, but the last week or so has been sunny and in the upper 70’s and 80’s in the high desert. Phoenix is even warmer. As an essential service in Arizona, we continue to sanitize and disinfect, practice social distancing, take every staff, client and visitors’ temperatures so we can continue with classes. Class sizes … [Read more...]
Gunsite April Newsletter
The Pandemic Issue Gunsite family: We hope this finds you all safe and sound at your place of work, home or shelter. It is a beautiful Spring day at the Ranch and Gunsite continues to teach good people how to stay alive. The 223, 250 and Pistol Tutorial are marching onward. The two (2) Day Pistol Range Day is on schedule for this weekend. The recommendations from medical providers have been monitored and followed here for several weeks. While we have always had a clean facility, our efforts are redoubled to clean and disinfect. As to the recent stay home directive from the … [Read more...]
March 2020 Newsletter
Spring has sprung at Gunsite. The weather is warming up, the sun is shining, and great training is underway on the ranges. As I write this, we are grateful that our students and staff at Royal Range in Nashville TN are unhurt from last night’s tornado. Coming from tornado alley, I understand the great damage tornadoes cause. Royal Range had some leaks, but their staff was in early making sure our 250 Pistol Course continued. Our thoughts and prayers are with the citizens and emergency responders as they work to help the injured and repair damages. This is “Super Tuesday.” We are … [Read more...]
February Newsletter
Happiness is a romantic walk to the Range! Grab a cup of coffee as this one is a bit long. Below find something I wrote in about 2013 during my prior career. While the murderous event noted is dated, the material discussed is not. More and more jurisdictions throughout the Republic are awakening to the fact that the socialists continue to try to overthrow our Nation and way of life. As a result, many are now using the socialists own verbiage against them as to their “Sanctuary” communities. I don’t mention “sanctuary” in my posting, but my conclusion is similar. "The entire … [Read more...]