The editorial staff of the Southwest Pistol League magazine has come up with a curious debate about what may be the purpose of the Southwest Pistol League. Well, I do not know what the purpose is now, but I do know what it was when the league was founded, because I founded it. The purpose of the league, when founded, was to discover, by means of open, unrestricted, diversified competition with the heavy-duty sidearm, just what weapons, what tactics, what principles and what general equipment would serve best in a fight. I remember that on one occasion the late, great John Plähn exclaimed … [Read more...]
Sheep or Sheepdog
Miss Edwards, I read of your student activity regarding the proposed memorial to Colonel Greg Boyington, USMC and a Medal of Honor winner. I suspect you will receive many angry emails from conservative people like me. You may be too young to appreciate fully the sacrifices of generations of servicemen and servicewomen, on whose shoulders you and your fellow students stand. I forgive you for the untutored ways of youth and your naiveté. It may be that you are simply a sheep. There’s no dishonor in being a sheep, as long as you know and accept what you are. William J. Bennett, in a … [Read more...]
July Newsletter
So many good sources come to mind to consider for an Independence Day Newsletter: Teddy Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, Ronald Reagan and more. But with pondering, it came to me that my best consideration of topic and source was here at Gunsite last week. As the United States celebrates our 239th birthday, honoring life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, what should we look to as a source of excitement and hope for the future? Does it come from the writings and wisdom of our founding fathers, from review of our Constitution, from reading Teddy Roosevelt? That answer was on the Gunsite … [Read more...]
June Newsletter
As we tell the students on Monday morning as their Gunsite class begins, “blink and it will be Friday.” That seems to be what has happened here in May. We blinked and Mother’s Day, Jeff Cooper’s Birthday, The Yavapai Friends of the NRA Banquet, Armed Forces Day, John Wayne’s birthday and Memorial Day has passed us by. Not to mention 250 and 350 pistol classes, 223 Carbine, Edged Weapons, Close Quarters Pistol, Defensive 3 Gun, Defensive Vehicle Tactics, many tutorials and several media events happened. Whew . . . . . We start all over again in June with 250, 350 and 499 pistol, 223 … [Read more...]
May Newsletter
Garland Texas . . . . . Are you ready when the fight comes to your community? It appears that Garland Texas was exercising their God given rights to express themselves when alleged Jihadists “took offense” and appeared with rifles and other weapons and equipment to stop the exercise of Constitutional Rights. Fortunately, Garland was prepared and took the fight to the miscreants. While an unarmed security guard was injured, a police officer returned fire with his pistol and stopped the thugs in their tracks. The best art displayed at this art event was the chalk outline of the evil-doers … [Read more...]