There you are practicing at the range, committed to your marksmanship basics, peering intently at the front sight as you control your trigger press....anddddd.....CLICK. How can this be? You've done everything right. You're shooting factory loaded ammunition. Your firearm is squeaky clean and minty fresh. Get over it. In fact, accept it. As with any mechanical device, things can go wrong with your pistol, and they will. Your acceptance of this will allow you to stay calm and fix the issue to your best ability. Your job is to know which problems you can solve-and how. That click you … [Read more...]
March Newsletter
“Super Tuesday” is upon us and other elections to follow. It is always significant for a citizen to exercise their right to vote, but more so this year. Do your due diligence and determine which candidate will support what your belief is. As a Gunsite Family Member, we feel confident that you support our Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Republic. Study hard and make an informed decision. It is also important for you to realize that by not voting now (or in the General Election if your candidate does not prevail) that the way of life as we know it will soon be gone. Clearly there … [Read more...]
Gun school stresses self-confidence
Article taken from 'The Dallas Morning News' Sunday June 23, 1985 by Terese Greene David Keith is tense. Scanning the dusty clay banks of the gully, he tries to figure where his enemies hide. He knows they are somewhere in the ditch waiting to attack. He must stop them first. Breathing rapidly, Keith descends into the wash and draws his .45 caliber (semi) automatic pistol from its leather holster. His two-handed grip is firm. Pointing the gun down at the ground in front of him, he starts walking. Within seconds, Keith spots an assailant camouflaged behind a juniper bush and fires two … [Read more...]
Jeff Cooper Pearls of Wisdom
Battle Sabre: As you know, the British subject is effectively forbidden the use of firearms in defense of his life. So now we read in the English press of one retired army officer who overcame this problem by repelling boarders with his sword. When three goblins broke into his house with knives, he produced his regimental sabre and gave battle. He ran those birds out of his house and well down the street, though the account does not say that he damaged any of them severely. Swordsmanship is effectively a lost art, but I doubt if the world’s miscreants are fully aware of that. - See more at: … [Read more...]
Stripping, Lubricating, and Re-Assembling a 1911 Pistol … [Read more...]