Valentine’s Day greeting to the Gunsite Family. The sun is shining brightly on this cool winter day at the Gunsite Ranch. Another 250 Pistol Course is underway, bringing more good people into the Gunsite family. The 250 Pistol course is often the favorite of the Gunsite Staff as we see the great improvements and we see the students recognize the “Gunsite Epiphany.” In past newsletters, we have discussed not letting our guard down. We don’t mean only out on the street, but politically. The Democrats are feeling their power and again attempting to strip away our unalienable … [Read more...]
January Newsletter
And the Attacks Resume! The New Year rings in with the renewed, strengthened attacks on our unalienable rights. No surprise to those of us who support our Constitution and way of life. What have you done to support the Bill of Rights? Sitting at your keyboard typing away on social media is just a beginning and not enough. Take time to write/contact your Senators and Congressional Representatives at the Federal level. While we hold the Senate, they need to know we expect them to stand strong. Let them know you watch their voting record and will vote accordingly. Join the … [Read more...]
December Gunsite Newsletter
Give your loved one something they can't buy at the corner mall. Click here to visit the Gunsite ProShop. How can it be the December Newsletter time already? It seems we just celebrated Independence Day and then the Gunsite Alumni Shoot. But the cooler Fall weather is here, with Winter to follow. We continue to be busy at Gunsite. So many think we are as cold as Flagstaff in December, January and February. That is just not the case. (Just as we are not as hot as Phoenix in the summer!) The US Navy is back this week for pistol and later this month for Long Range Rifle. The 250 … [Read more...]
November Newsletter
October was a grand month at the Gunsite Ranch. Classes of all types were not deterred by the unusual rains. (We are grateful for the moisture.) Rather, they now know that they can fight in the rain and not just when it is sunny and 70 degrees. Another mass murder has occurred in the Republic, in a house of worship. The liberals are again blaming the tool as opposed to the operator. You must understand, YOU ARE THE FIRST RESPONDER. PLAN ACCORDINGLY. Gun free zones are easy targets for the miscreants. Do not go unarmed. Wear your carry pistol. Carry reloads. Think about an … [Read more...]
October Newsletter
Gunsite Alumni Shoot 2018 is in the books! Once again, a great “social engagement slightly interrupted by gunfire.” About 80,000 rounds safely fired down range with over 200 shooters and multiple guests. (We also had the USMC fly over early Friday morning. They did a brief show in their Russian look-alike jets. (The Aggressor Squadron.) The pilots (one a Gunsite graduate) joined us for the steak dinner in the campground later that evening. The GAS Match is so much more than just a shooting event. It truly is a family reunion where friends, family and Gunsite family get … [Read more...]