223 Defensive Carbine
The Modern Technique, as applied to the carbine. Learn to manage your environment from arm’s length to 200 yards. This class covers all the important aspects of marksmanship, gun handling and mindset. Shoot from a variety of positions and learn how… More details here

556 Advanced Carbine
You must have completed 223 Defensive Carbine or Battle Rifle in order to attend this class. The advanced carbine class has been renowned by combat veterans from every theater of U.S. operations in the last 35 years. 556 is the course for those who… More details here

556 Advanced Carbine Night
You must have completed 223 Defensive Carbine or Battle Rifle in order to attend this class. It’s a fact that most confrontations occur in low light or darkness. It is imperative that you develop the skills and tactics necessary to prevail in these… More details here