250 Defensive Pistol Class
This class is “The Gunsite Experience” and was first presented in October 1976 by Colonel Jeff Cooper.
Regardless of your age, gender or experience, completing the 250 Class will change your life! You will be well grounded in the ‘Modern Technique of the Pistol’, including marksmanship, gun handling and mindset.
The 250 includes five solid days of range work, lectures, low light/night shooting with flashlight techniques and intensive indoor and outdoor live fire simulators. Red dot sights are welcome. Completion of the 250 course is a prerequisite for many other courses as this is where our core doctrinal principles are ingrained.
“DAY ZERO” – If you’re new to shooting on a line or drawing from a holster, then the Day Zero one day course will help you prepare for the next five days. Day Zero is a course offered to the prospective 250 student the day before your 250 Pistol Class begins. It is designed for the novice or new gun owner who lacks knowledge or experience in gun handling and marksmanship.
We have found our first training day in the 250 Pistol Class goes by very quickly and may be overwhelming to the new gun owner. So, we took the 250 Monday morning class and turned it into a separate full day on Sunday, the day before, so you’re fully prepared for the next morning.
A discount is offered to students who take a Day Zero class prior to their 250 class. For more information and to register, visit: https://www.gunsite.com/classes/day-zero/
This course was the best money I have ever spent related to firearms (gun purchases included). I considered myself a novice and am leaving with confidence and a real strong foundation of skills.