I mentioned to a friend of mine, who happens to be a “Master” USPSA and IDPA shooter, that I was thinking about taking a Gunsite class taught by Steve Tarani. He said, “Whenever you get a chance to take a class with Steve, take it”! So, with that endorsement I enrolled in the recent Seasoned Citizen CQP class with high expectations. Those high expectations were not only exceeded, they were exceeded beyond imagination. Steve is a phenomenally trained (lifelong) professional in edged weapons, impact weapons, and firearms. He takes a keen interest in each student’s progress. He is an excellent communicator and a wonderful motivator. When we (I) messed up he didn’t dwell on it but helped diagnose and remedy the problem. What we learned in 3 days is invaluable because Steve was willing to teach us many of the concepts and techniques that he has studied, practiced, and perfected over decades. My fellow classmates mentioned how fortunate we were to be in this class. In summary, if you ever get a chance to take a class with Steve……..
Gary K., “Take it”, Gunsite, Paulden, AZ