New Year 2023
Didn’t we just prepare for the millennium, awaiting the failure of all our computer systems and the near end of the world? Shari and I recall spending New Year’s Eve 2000 with great friends in celebration. It is hard to believe we are a near quarter century into the 21st Century.
Gunsite is excited for 2023. Our new Instructor Bunkhouse is under roof, the new Pro Shop and Office buildings have stem walls poured, and the new bigger bathroom is beginning to get approved. So much going on, but as the commercial says: “But wait, there’s more!”
Please watch our social media and many other media outlets on January 3rd for an announcement that will be loved by many and dismissed by a few. It is the culmination of a project of more than one year. We will also be announcing this newness as the 2023 SHOT Show in Las Vegas . . .
Speaking of 2023 SHOT Show, the Gunsite Staff always looks forward to meeting with our industry partners, vendors and Gunsite Family. Myself, Training Director Dave Hartman, Marketing Director Shari LeGate, Pro Shop staff Shari Campbell and Lindy Walters and many Gunsite Instructors will be there. I’ll be carrying Gunsite pins in my pocket as I walk my many miles throughout the show. Find me and let’s do a Selfie we can post on our social media.
Social media . . . We are nearly at 61,000 followers on Facebook. Help spread the word with your friends and help us hit the 65K mark. Remember we are also on Twitter and Instagram as well.
This year finished with another record student year. That is seven (7) in a row and 2023 has record enrollment as of December 31. Thanks to all for putting your faith and trust in training you, your family, friends and co-workers in life-saving skills. With record numbers, please don’t wait to try to enroll in a specific date. That class may be full and we may not be able to double it.
While the New Year’s comes and goes, the bond of the Gunsite Family will last a lifetime. We are grateful for all the memories we have created and shared this year and can only imagine what 2023 will bring.
Gunsite looks forward to being a part of an incredible new year for you, shared in good company.
Also, a mention to the great staff and instructors at Gunsite: There is no way we would have had the year we did without your hard work and dedication. Thank you for always going the extra mile. I am forever appreciative of everything I have learned from you and am more than excited about 2023.
Have a grand (and responsibly celebrated) New Year.