I finished up the brand new senior citizen 350 class on handguns known as SC350. This is the first class offered for senior citizen pistol training at the intermediate level. The class was well laid out and used the building block approach to refresh our memories from the SC250 and 250 class that we had all attended. Pete and Jerry did an outstanding job of bringing us up to speed again and then started adding new things for us to learn and interspersed the learning with some fun events that put what he had learned to the test. The indoor and outdoor simulators were well thought out and shows a great deal of planning. We were challenged it seemed each and every hour. Good coaching by Pete and Jerry when we’re struggling with an issue. They both acted in a very professional manner in their teaching and with some great stories mixed in and some humor. My personal favorites were the night simulators and a course of fire called the scrambler. The Friday afternoon shoot off was great fun and it gave us an opportunity to use many of the skills we learned that week. The Wednesday afternoon lecture was outstanding and the film of Jeff Cooper was outstanding when he was explaining the mindset triad. The cost I believe was a fair price for all that you had the opportunity to learn. As I sit in my hotel tonight contemplating what I had learned and how to go about setting up a practice schedule for myself to maintain my skills and improve on them. The Friday class with the aggressors was absolutely amazing and the planning that went into the whole class was at its highest level. I’d would also like to say the staff at Gunsite went above and beyond in making us feel welcome. This facility sets a standard in the shooting industry for operating at the highest level and I can say I was more than pleased with everything in the class from the food to the high standards of keeping the facility in top notch condition. Ken made us all feel welcome each and every day and I truly understand when they say welcome to the Gunsite family.
Charles Keeran, 350 Intermediate Pistol Class, March 2019, Gunsite, Paulden, AZ