The continuation of the tactical series at Gunsite, BRAVE 2 dives even deeper into the nuts and bolts of armed problem-solving. We started with a one-day spin-up on the square range before moving on to extended techniques for street, vehicle, and home defense. Old favorites like the Mary Catherine drill were re-introduced but with the added complexity of engaging from behind cover / concealment. Movement in defilade was emphasized throughout the course, and as the training progressed we switched from operating as singletons to working together in teams of two with a heavy emphasis on communication and movement. The hand-to-hand segment focused almost exclusively on ground-fighting techniques (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) which were incredibly practical and should be part of everyone's toolkit. A big bonus was the use of extensive role-playing in learning how to manage unknown contacts both alone and with a partner. As always, the Gunsite instructors did a fabulous job and I look forward to taking BRAVE 3 in the future.
Scott D., Ballistic Response Against Violent Encounters 2, August 2019, Gunsite, Paulden, AZ