This past week I had the good fortune to be participating in a Pistol & Carbine Special Tutorial run by Walt Wilkinson and Chris Weare. The course was truly excellent due to the superb competence and professionalism of these two excellent Range masters. Everyone in the class learned at least one or two important particulars to improve their shooting and fine tune their appropriate situation awareness/responsiveness. In my opinion, for a student, it is significantly helpful to see techniques verbally described by a Range master actually presented in a perfectly executed live-fire demonstration a la Walt Wilkerson. I feel fortunate to be able to learn from the superb people you have on staff. I am happy to report that this was not the only “everything I had hoped for, and then some” experience I have had at Gunsite. This sort of persevering excellence does not “just happen”. No, it happens because someone in charge, and that is you, Buz, dedicates his endeavors to developing and maintaining a first-rate by any standard institution that perpetuates its unique and enviable “best in show” rating year after year. Grateful thanks and heartiest bravos to you, Buz.
Wilson R., Gunsite, Paulden, AZ