Earlier this year, my husband talked me into signing up for the 250 Pistol Class with him. As we got closer to leaving for AZ, I’ll admit that I toyed with the idea of backing out. I was worried that as a middle-aged woman with a deteriorating disc there was no way I’d be able to keep up with the rigors of shooting almost 1,000 rounds of ammo in 5 days. Then I found out there would be night shoots, shooting in various kneeling positions, and worst of all, shooting prone. Thankfully, my brother had taken the class before and told me the instructors were really good about letting people with physical issues sit out any of the training they didn’t feel comfortable with. I was still incredibly nervous about attending, but decided to see the commitment through. As it turns out, the week was AMAZING! Yes, they taught us to shoot faster and more accurately, but I learned so much more than that!! I physically was able to do every single drill they put us through because the instructors were so good at teaching us how to get into the various positions safely. (There were a couple participants that weren’t able to do a few of the positions and the instructors were indeed great about them sitting out.) I didn’t realize ahead of time that we’d be learning how to clear a house and how to handle an outside situation like being in a parking lot with active shooters and innocents. Working through those simulations was both eye-opening and highly educational. The classroom instruction was also invaluable, especially regarding the mental preparedness for handling each situation. We also learned the proper footwork for needing to turn 180° before drawing and firing. The night shoot actually ended up being one of my favorite parts of the week, as well as the shoot-offs between students. The comradery and friendships formed are another valuable aspect that can’t be ignored. I went into my week at Gunsite a “pretty good shot” but came out an improved marksman, who feels much better equipped and qualified to protect myself and loved ones with a firearm. I would highly recommend this class to anyone who has a conceal carry permit or has a pistol in their home for protection, no matter what their age or gender. I am proud to be a member of the Gunsite Family and look forward to continuing my training.
anonymous, 250 Defensive Pistol Class, Paulden, AZ