Strengths are the usual suspects - excellent instruction and the unrivaled facilities. Gary's and Chris' ability to adapt the course of fire and facilities to the skills of the students made the maximum from a fast-paced day of reinforcing the fundamentals. There is no place where a regular person can work their firearms and kit like can be done at a Gunsite range day. I brought a Rem 870P with bead sight I've owned for several years but hadn't had the chance to run hard. I hadn't even fired the gun for over two years and the shotgun had only 23 rounds through it total prior to this range day. By the end of the day I had hit steel "Frank" targets at unknown distances both standing and kneeling with this bead sight gun. Maybe 1/4 of those hits were first shot hits. I also ran a 2.86 second Dozier drill with the bead sight pump gun. Performance with the bead sight has caused me to rethink using a bead sight for home defense over a Vang Comp ghost ring system. I had once considered the bead sight to be too basic and primitive. Now I am reconsidering the bead sight for in-home defensive use having re-discovered the genius of simplicity. Gunsite range day is the only place where you can run your equipment hard approaching real world conditions and verify your chosen defensive systems will work, all while receiving coaching from some of the most knowledgeable instructors around. That is a major strength.
Shotgun Range Day, Gunsite, Paulden, AZ