556 Advanced Carbine Night
You must have completed 223 Defensive Carbine or Battle Rifle in order to attend this class.
It’s a fact that most confrontations occur in low light or darkness. It is imperative that you develop the skills and tactics necessary to prevail in these conditions.
The advance carbine class has been renowned by combat veterans and law enforcement officers from around the country.
This class will mirror the 556 curriculum, except, class will start at 1300 hours going through 2300 hours. There will be five night shoots during the class. Students should be prepared for long hours and the climate during this time of year.
556 Night Carbine is for those who will settle for no less than being the master of their carbine. Mirroring conditions from the field, pressure is on the operators as distance to the target is decreased and when lighting is less than optimal. Advanced manipulations, short reaction times and quick transitions to the secondary weapon is stressed. There will be more advanced simulators as well as force-on-force. This is a moderately physical class and shooter should be capable of getting into and out of various shooting positions through out the week.
A quality weapons mounted light and a hand held light is a must! Be sure to bring extra batteries to support your training.
Prerequisites: 223 (250 is highly recommended)
*Important Note: 223 Carbine or Battlerifle is REQUIRED (250 Pistol is recommended but not required)
Gunsite is Mecca for all things having to do with firearms training. The facilities are top notch as well as the instructors. The other thing is the fellowship of like-minded men and women who love this country and enjoy coming together. Long lasting...
This class is not scheduled again this year or
has been completely sold out.
Be sure to get your copy of the class schedule for next year and your application in early.