Independence Day –
So many think of July 4 as the holiday as opposed to it being Independence Day. But, history is no longer taught as many of us learned it, on our stone tablets, after we rode our dinosaurs to and from school, uphill, both ways.
Independence Day is recognized as the day the Colonies declared their independence from the British Monarchy, risking all. Richard Henry Lee of Virginia presented a resolution with the famous words: “Resolved: That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved.” Shortly thereafter, the Continental Congress reconvened and the Declaration of Independence was adopted in the afternoon of July 4, 1776.
July 4 was designated as a national holiday by congress to commemorate the day the United States laid down its claim to be a free and independent nation.
Please help educate our young Americans so they know the meaning and importance and reverence of Independence Day.
Active Shooter/Murderer continues to face our Republic. If you haven’t learned it yet, your safety depends upon you. Where-ever you go, what-ever you do, your personal safety is solely your responsibility.
It is not the job of the government, the police, the Sheriff or the business you are visiting or working to protect you. It may take 6-7 minutes for public safety to respond and they may not immediately attack the problem. Your personal safety is solely your responsibility.
But, it is a “Gun Free Zone” you exclaim. “(I won’t go there without a gun.” Well, why are you going in the first place if you feel that the danger is that great? I believe it is fellow trainer John Farnam that says: “Do not go to stupid places with stupid people to do stupid things at stupid times.”) Your personal safety is solely your responsibility.
You have options. Don’t go . . .
If that option is not acceptable, what can you have as a personal weapon? Can you have an Edged Weapon? Can you have an expandable baton? Can you have a “sap.” (Read: The DeSantis City Slicker Coin Purse.) Do you have a solid ink pen? What is available for improvised Weapons? (Scarf, magazines, chairs, fire extinguisher, chairs, pieces of furniture?) Have you sought out good training in these other options? Your personal safety is solely your responsibility.
Do you have a plan for all the places you visit? That is, where are the entrances and exits? Where are the Fire Exits? What is cover and what is concealment? Have you shared your plan with your family or friends attending with you? You have fire drills, earthquake drills, and tornado drills, etc. at home and work. Why would you not have a plan for an Active Shooter/Murderer?” When was the last time you read “Principles of Personal Defense” by Jeff Cooper? Your personal safety is solely your responsibility.
We could go on and on about this. We hope we are preaching to the choir with the Gunsite Family, but it is always good to hear some of these principles again. Remember, Your personal safety is solely your responsibility.
As to training, old friend, fellow retired Sheriff’s Deputy, Gunsite Family Member and SWAT Magazine Editor Denny Hansen recently touched on training. He commented that several folks have commented that “they wished they had taken the time to train with the late Pat Roger, Louis Awerbuck, etc.” Let me agree with and add to Denny’s comments. Take the time! Save the money to make it happen. What did you spend on the fancy sound system in your car or for your television? For that matter, what did you spend on the home entertainment system? Will any of those things save the most precious person in your life? Find the time, save the money and make the commitment to get that training.
Remember, Your personal safety is solely your responsibility.
The month of June at Gunsite was busy and can be. Most importantly, we had the Youth 250 Pistol and a private Youth 350 Course. Once again, it makes our hearts leap with joy to see and experience these great young Americans, exercising their inalienable rights, learning how to protect themselves and their loved ones. Thanks to the outstanding parents, grandparents, and friends that made it available to them.
July brings another 250 Pistol Course at Colonial Shooting Academy, 250 Pistol at Gunsite, 556 Carbine, the Scout Rifle Conference and more. (It really is not as hot as Phoenix at Gunsite. We are the high desert and have a climate similar to Denver. Our temperatures are usually 15 degrees below Phoenix.) We also have a Carbine Range Day (for 223/556 graduates) as well as several private courses.
The 40th Anniversary GAS match planning continues. We are happy to announce that to go along with the record number of attendants, we have a record number of stages planned. One of our VIP visitors will be Clint and Heidi Smith from Thunder Ranch. (Clint was the Operations Manager for Gunsite many years ago.) Clint and Heidi will be running one of the stages as well. We have invites out to many of the former instructors and hope to announce some names in the next month or so.
Enough for the July Newsletter. It is challenging to keep it short when there is so much going on at Gunsite.
In closing, find your copy of Principles of Personal Defense and re-read it. Pass it around to your family members and friends to read.
Remember, Your personal safety is solely your responsibility.
Celebrate Independence Day!