Spring is Near Gone and Summer is Upon Us!
I recall my parents talking as I was growing up about how fast time goes and how it goes faster as we get a few more years under our belt. That certainly describes the last few months at the Gunsite Ranch.
Night shoots are getting later and later as we near the Summer Solstice. We plan carefully as we do not shoot beyond 10:00 PM to be respectful neighbors. (Nor shoot prior to 7:00 AM.) As a neighbor of Gunsite, my wife Shari and I love “the sound of Liberty” on the various ranges. When the wind is right, we can even hear some of the range commands and identify the Rangemaster.
Another of the many joys of Gunsite for a night shoot, or the Gunsite Campground or living in or around Gunsite is the beauty of the night sky. While I never saw the recent aurora borealis, we regularly enjoy the Milky Way, Starlink satellites, and more. In early June: “. . . six of the eight planets — Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune — will be present in the sky at onetime, in an event known as planetary alignment or a planetary parade, per astronomy app Star Walk.” Don’t you wish you were here at Gunsite to enjoy this pleasure of life along with great training?
A few weeks ago, we had a problem occur again that is happening more and more regularly – We were out of classroom space! Seven classes were underway that week. Our students (Gunsite Family) were more than gracious in moving their books, etc., from the classrooms as we “hot bunked” them.
June begins the warm-up of the season but is still pleasant. (Remember that the temperature and the humidity is not the same as it was in my home in the Midwest.) Cool mornings and warm afternoons along with ice water, Gatorade and an occasional Otter Pop help keep all hydrated.
June offers up 223 Carbine, Church Defense Close Quarters Pistol, doubled 250 Pistol classes, 260 Shotgun, the revised Advanced Carbine Applications, Carbine Range Day, Direct Response to Active Shooter, 150 Pistol, Seasoned Citizen Close Quarters Pistol and more.
We also have Gun Stories returning to film their next Season, numerous private and corporate training events, and the increasingly popular Calams Combat Competition. Look elsewhere in the newsletter to enroll in the Calams Match. This truly is a labor of love by the Calams Family. When the all-local scholarship recipients speak prior to the match, there are few dry eyes in the classroom. The Match concludes with a great lunch and silent auction of fabulous items. (I have my eye on a particular revolver!)
Register and pay for match Calams Match at https://www.stephaniescholarship.org/gunsite-combat…
Do not forget to sign up on PRACTISCORE@ https://practiscore.com/stephanie-calams-combat…/register
We slow down a bit in July as we celebrate Independence Day the first week of July and then jump right back into action. We hope you plan on celebrating the independence of the greatest nation in the world.
The 2025 Calendar should be on-line within a week or so. Peruse and plan accordingly!
The world continues to be a strange place. Have you been practicing your defensive skills? Have you been trying to improve your situational awareness? (When did you last read “Principles of Personal Defense”? Stay alert and aware as evil lurks. We are not being paranoid, but rather realistic.
This is the longest week of the year for me as I head out on vacation at the end of week. Watch for me on social media as I find almost as impossibly blue skies and marshmallow clouds in another part of the Republic.
To read the newsletter in it’s entirety, visit: https://us11.admin.mailchimp.com/campaigns/show?id=611474